to give the members and trainers access to hives for demonstration purposes. This allows for a safe environment for practical sessions throughout the beekeeping season.
to allow for the selective breeding of quality queens for sale to members as mated queens and established in nuclei
to provide a platform for like-minded people to discuss ideas around a hive, putting appropriate ideas into practice using ESBA equipment.
The Apiary The apiary is on a farm in the Monikie area. In addition to training needs and the propagation of stocks, normal inspections and hive management need to be addressed and members are welcome to visit the apiary for any hands-on experience. A WhatsApp group has been created to publicise visits and inspections days, which are usually on Sundays and last a couple of hours. Please contact Bob McKenzie to get your mobile number added to the WhatsApp group. A map giving directions to the Apiary can be provided if requested from Bob. Contact: Bob McKenzie phone - 07920010557 & email -
Equipment The ESBA also has equipment such as honey extractors that are provided free for members to borrow from the Apiary. Pick Up and drop off is ideally done at the same time as Visits / Inspections. Training A rolling programme of demonstrations by trainers over a period of several years may address:
Foulbrood disease inspections
Swarm control
Queen finding, handling, marking and clipping
Production of queen cells by grafting and their use in mini-nuclei
Management of polystyrene nuclei and other stocks for overwintering
Varroa monitoring and Varroa control
Feeding best practice
Stock We encourage the use of local stock, and, to minimise disease risks, for the apiary we avoid swarm collection and do not buy in queens. We welcome bee inspector visits and cooperate with them. We aim to maintain sufficient stock to be able to select better lines for propagation and to generate material for sale.
The following equipment is available for loan to association members: Extractor Honey Press Please request any loans from the secretary with reasonable notice
The ESBA continues to provide Mentors for beginners and novices alike and for those that recognise the benefit of extra support with their beekeeping as they continue to learn new skills in their quest to maintain healthy, calm and productive colonies.